Failure to launch programs are probably the newest category that the special needs industry is suggesting for young adults who are having trouble navigating the world successfully. It could be for a variety of issues; from years of doing poorly in school, to substance abuse to mental health challenges. However, if you have a young adult child, who is spending more time treading water than swimming, you might want to consider one of these failure to launch programs for your son or daughter.
These failure to launch programs are located all over the country and should not be considered as a Gap year. The failure to launch programs deal with the young person who may not have finished high school, started college but felt overwhelmed or any variety of issues that keeps him/her from succeeding. Many of these programs paint with a broad brush and it can be difficult to understand just exactly what the goal is.
Turning eighteen is no longer the magic number for a young person to leave home and successfully fly the nest. More and more young adults are struggling not only with finding jobs, but also finding themselves. That is where the failure to launch programs come into the picture. These programs are often able to individualize what the young adult may need. However, it is important to recognize that one size certainly does not fit all. For the student who is extremely anxious, the correct failure to launch program will be completely different than for the student who has been using illegal substances. As in any other field, there are good failure to launch programs and there are poorly run failure to launch programs. Having a young adult who has gotten to the age of majority, throws a whole new dimension into the mix as it is imperative that he/she go willingly to any program. Hence the critical need to get the right fit. A cliché that is often repeated when placing a young person; the most expensive program is the program that doesn’t fit their needs. The failure to launch programs can be even more challenging as a young person of eighteen can opt to leave any time they like, so choose wisely. It is your money and your child and the right decision is even more challenging at this age.
The question that parents always ask me is “ Will these programs work?” The real question should be, “What other options do you as a parent have?”